Finished UV'ing the Sentinel model and it's pretty decent for my first one I think.  Took me most of last night to do it, I didn't even get out of the animation labs until 1 trying to get it done.  This has been a fun project so far =).  That's also my part of the model for our first modeling project.  Second model I've done, first one being an incomplete Zippo lighter, lol.
I'll likely try to do a bit of texturing tonight, or tomorrow.  For now, I should visit my friend and stylist, cook some food, and get some writing and possibly linework done on my comic.


    I am currently a student in the University of Colorado Denver's Digital Animation Center.  I'm working towards getting my BA in 3D Graphics and Animation Emphasis, with a focus towards working in Film.

    I'm mostly a self-taught artist with college being my only real formal education in fine arts.  In my free time I enjoy working on a blend of realism and manga inspired artwork and writing fiction.  I have a few graphic novel ideas in the works, a few collaborative.


    February 2011
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    February 2010


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